Marketing Insight
eCommerce Customer Retention: 7 Strategies That Don’t Take a Lifetime
While eCommerce businesses don’t have many of the restrictive overhead costs associated with brick-and-mortar stores, keeping costs low is [...]
How Omni-Channel Marketing Flywhweels Break
Anytime I get asked what makes Fidelitas different from other agencies, part of my answer always includes our approach [...]
Google Multisearch: New Search Technology, Including In Video Search
Google is synonymous with search. It’s been that way for decades. The company is so dominant in this regard [...]
eCommerce Email Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Sales
Email marketing is one of the most valuable marketing channels an eCommerce brand can leverage. It’s your direct line of [...]
7 TikTok Ad Creative Best Practices
TikTok is quickly becoming the world’s favorite app. Since the platform became available worldwide in 2018—after merging with—TikTok grew [...]
The Power Of Community
Every January I spend an inordinate amount of time on the road meeting with clients, partners, and prospects face-to-face [...]
Facebook Ads, iOS 14 Changes: How Apple’s ATT & IDFA Update Affects Advertising
When Apple announced its iOS 14 changes back in April of 2021, America’s top cell phone brand was sending a [...]
The Lingering Effects of BNPL
As we forge ahead into 2023, I believe we are on the brink of a credit crisis. There’s a [...]
Digital Marketing Trends In 2023
The new year is upon us, and with it, a host of changes to the digital marketing landscape. Knowing [...]
10 PR Trends To Watch Out For Going Into 2023
As we enter 2023, brands and agencies alike will be taking a look at all the various aspects of [...]
Starting A Candy Company From Scratch | LSMP Episode 127
In episode 127, Tyler and Erica talk about starting Yumy Candy from scratch, quantifying demand for an innovative product, and [...]
Ultimate Marketing Tech Stack for 2023
First off, a belated Happy Veteran’s Day to everyone out there that serves / did serve, including Fidelitas’ very [...]