How To Maintain Your Vision With Your Team
It’s easy to get bogged down in the day to day. Anywhere from 17 to 77 emails fill your inbox. The urgent usurps the important. The heightened struggle for work-life balance, an always-on mentality that penetrates the fifteen feet of separation from your home’s work area to your living room, and a justifiable urgency for survival in the face of the recession all contribute to our need to get more stuff done.
But that’s the problem.
Most of it’s just stuff.
And stuff tends to have an adverse effect on our businesses and our teams. Stuff, also known as distractions, leads to a misalignment between our vision as leaders of the teams we steward and what’s actually happening during the day to day.
Both with our cars and with our visions, most misalignments are hardly noticeable when they begin. But if left uncorrected it won’t be long before we’re hundreds of miles off track.
So as we navigate the recession and hustle to keep our businesses on track, it’s important to keep an eye on our vision as leaders, too.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Where did we say we’re headed?
- Are we still headed in that direction today?
- If not, how do we get back on track?
A vision misalignment will eventually cause your staff, agencies, and even your business itself to fail. Make sure you’re securing buy-in on your vision for the organization from day one, and maintain a constant mindset of recalibration to stay on track- no matter what’s going on in the world around us. Plans and strategies can and should shift, but your vision should remain constant.
How are you maintaining vision alignment with your team?
Connect with us today to get your marketing strategy aligned with your vision.